We make videos and photos in our studio and show you. 100% origalny content!
Style USSR (East Europe) office gynecologist completely unique phenomenon. We will give you the most fresh fun! We have video only pleasant and beautiful girls of the patient! Complete inspection with details. Procedures, injections, enemas. Breast examination. Anesthesia on a gynecological chair. Blood is allowed in our videos, but you can only see these videos on this main site. It is prohibited on other sites. Electric shock torture. Gas masks and much more. All this is available for a fee (membership). We make regular updates. In the group on FB can discuss models and scenarios future clips.
We are a non-limiting medical fetish, we have the elements of BDSM. Bondage on the gynecological chair. Coming soon spanking! All videos with original sound (Rus/Eng), and now we’re adding subtitles. Videos are adapted for different devices and operating systems.
Buy a membership or a movie & support what you enjoy!
Piracy doesn’t make movies. (the pirates have only the old video, we published updated versions of the old clips – video remastered HD, bonuses).
Without your financial support we cannot continue to bring you the hottetst females being violated on the best sets!
A big thank you to fans who purchased this video or f membership. You allow us to continue to create & innovate!
We welcome your suggestions and wishes
Best Regards Team gynclub
join the club and enjoy!
Members Features!
-Access to exclusive video HD, FHD & 4k
-Huge video collection
-Huge photo collection
-Exclusive Videos ONLY
-Webcam live in office (It works on the sessions) (temporarily not working)
-Multiple video formats mp4, stream >20000 kbc
-High quality members support
-No DRM restricted videos
– Regular updates content.